Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come!

A lot has been going on here in Seacrest this week! Wednesday was nice and hot--a perfect day for playing in the pool!! Did we mention that the pool here is incredible? Here is a picture of "Flip-Flop" out by the pool:
One special thing about this retreat is that some interns from the Daraja choir have been helping us! For those of you who do not know, the Daraja choir is a ministry that brings young children from Kenya to the United States to perform for churches all across America. The kids are able to stay with host families and learn more about our culture, grow in their relationships with the Lord, and build leadership skills to bring back to their own nation. At the moment, the children are waiting to be allowed to come over to the United States, so the interns are praying that they will be able to make the trip soon! Please pray for the Daraja choir--here is a picture of their amazing interns:
Wednesday night, after a delicious dinner, we had a great dance party!! Here are some retreat families at the dinner:

Now tonight is the famous talent show, so everyone is practicing for the big event! Here are a few previews:

Be sure to look at the blog tomorrow to see pictures of our Retreat 4 Talent Show!!

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